Thursday, February 9, 2023

Writing Prompts

I am curled up on my bed, my grey Nokia phone clutched tightly in my hand.

Snake has got me hooked. I dream about it day and night, my thumbs subconsciously moving between the 2,4,6, and 8 buttons on the innocent, soap-box-sized piece of plastic. I take numerous "breaks" between study sessions to see if I can beat my previous high score. I question why my rapidly growing reptile can't slither smoothly in curvier "S" shapes, as opposed to the box-like, squarish movements the phone restricts him to. It has become an obsession. If I'm not playing, I'm thinking of playing. When I'm thinking of playing, I'm strategizing the best movements. When I'm strategizing, I wonder how I could make the game better, maybe work with Nokia on building a better prototype.

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