Saturday, August 25, 2007

Feminism - NOT a dirty word

The Oxford dictionary defines feminism as 'a movement or theory supporting women's right on the grounds of equality of the sexes.' It's based on the rational notion that women are PEOPLE too.

When I go around telling people that I believe in a feminism, I get an uncountable number of 'Oh my gosh"s. They think feminism is a dirty word, a word so scum-like they wouldn't dare to use it. Somehow, there is a large amount of negativity associated with the word.

What they don't seem to realise is that feminists don't exactly go around kicking guys. This comment raises a myriad, "Yes. But do you really think that today's women are oppressed?" They ask me this. They do.  I feel that this question is the first sign that we are locked up, shut out from the real world because of the protective environments we grow up in.

I would have been too. Maybe I still am. All I know is that one of my best friends, she's a girl. Her family- they're one of the many urban orthodox. I know that her family doesn't care about what she does with her life, her academic pursuits, or her ambitions. If they could, they would get her married this instant to some stranger.

I have seen her struggle; cry, because no one cares. Cry, because her brother receives ten times the encouragement that she gets, just because he was born a boy.

And I don't get it. I don't get why people don't see all of this; don't hear about it. Is this world so deaf? Not a single girl child has been born in many towns in India for the last few years. AND any thought of God being a woman receives shocked looks from - everyone. I mean, what's wrong in just thinking that?

I have covered nothing, NOTHING, in the above few paragraphs. Even if I continued forever, I still wouldn't. I'm not saying that men don't have their share of problems. Nor am I saying that I want women to rule the world and be the supreme power. However crazy I might seem, I know where to stop.

No, all I'm saying is that I'm sick and tired of feminism being branded as a dirty and out casted word, I'm tired of the stigma associated with it. I'm tired of people not opening their eyes and seeing, truly seeing everything around them. This is where urban life falls way down. This is where our school-home-school lives become most pointless. TV shows are so far away from real life, it's not even funny. When we're on the computer, we're only on Facebook and YouTube. No one seems to know about the V-day campaign. Some people haven't even heard of Amnesty.

And no one even seems to care. This world is NOT full of clouds and bunny rabbits and rainbows and leprechauns.

I think it's time to open our eyes. I don't mean to offend anyone with my strong opinion on this subject. I know I will only be met with more weird looks than I already receive. I also want to say that people aren't crazy to go around campaigning for women's rights along with so many other things, if this world really is such a happy, 'equal rights and everything' place.

Don't get me wrong. I'm proud to be a girl. However much I may ramble on about this, I have grown up in a family where we are all treated equally. And, because of this, I didn't even start opening up and looking around me till recently.

Also, I do know that India is now being virtually governed by a woman. And America too, if all goes well. But, if women and men ARE treated equally, then the issue of a woman president wouldn't exactly create so many responses, would it?

Let me say that all I want is equality. I'm not desperate to be hated by the male sex; or the female sex, for that matter. Feminism has it's limits. All it calls out for is equality. No more. But no less.


Sushruthi said...

No weird looks here. or giggles. :D

I agree with everything you've said there. I was gonna write on it too. I mean, after reading about the poor thing meenakshi's case i got so wild. and went on this rant. and you've said everything i wanted without the bad language. :D kudos !

lovely work. and super topic. GO GIRL !

Shruthi said...

If your a weirdo then so are about a million or so people in say twenty millions who are fighting for the rights of women

Haphazard thoughts said...

bravo to you
no no weird looks indeed.
if anyone should be getting weird looks its me


spiffing and truthful blog this one was.
thats a rare combination.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog
A Scottish Fan

Nidhi said...

way to go girl !

brillaint one.
and yes, one day,
or starting from now,
we can bring a change.

"we shall over come, we shall over come some daaaay.."


anamika911 said...

thanks everyone!

Harish Ramaswamy said...

hey hey

its damn nice.

a very nice thing to talk about.

make sure a LOT of people read it.

Goooood job.

no weird looks from me.

Anonymous said...

ummm, i feel the Feminist Movement is going a bit overboard these days... Exclusive rights for women, women only areas, women's organisations to quote a few... Have u ever heard of anything for men? Ask such questions and the usual reply is 'After all, u r a man'... Is this equality?

I do agree that there ARE women who r still downtrodden... but are your feminist groups' efforts really reaching them? actually the women who r downtrodden remain that way because they dont know how to use their rights... and the others use them to their advantage...

Both Men and Women have their share of troubles... But thx to your 'Feminist Groups' efforts, only your side of it getting expressed... And now, the majority case is, its the men who r downtrodden... Do u call this equality?


[P.S.: i followed this link from your orkut profile... happy to meet someone intelligent...]

anamika911 said...

hmm... thanks for being frank and all, but i have a couple of things to say as well.

firstly, the reason there are so may so called 'privileges' for women only because of men- women only areas for example. and women organisations are being started by women- no one's stopping men from starting men organisations, are they?

and it's not like downtrodden women can't use their rights. it's just that no one gives them an opportunity. some men(only some, okay?) think that physical power is everything. some (again, only some) women can't help it if their husbands/fathers/even mothers put them down for everything.

and i do remember mentioning in my blog that men have their share of problems as well.

and no offence, but HA! men are downtrodden? dear god. i honestly don't see that happening. honestly. and if you still think so, then you are quite welcome to start any male group. be my guest.

anyway, thanks for that. atleast now i know what guys think about feminism.

Harish Ramaswamy said...


seriously, your arguments against feminism SUCKED.
im not sure if you are against it n all, but thats how it seemed.

You didnt read her blog properly. she was very careful about whatever she wrote.

and you make women think most men are against feminism.

and yeah, male dominancy and male supremacy HAS established in the passage of time. there is absolutely no need to protect men's rights. its all there already.

so yeah

sushruthi said...

Harish, you have to got to be the ONLY guy I know who'd say that.