Sunday, December 8, 2013

Connecting the dots

A recent conversation with a friend made me re-realize what I've been feeling for a while:

Sometimes I feel like I have no idea as to what my long term plan is. I'm absolutely clueless. I'm just doing a bunch of small, random things, building on them, with the hope that one day they will all connect together. A little bit here, a little bit there. Perhaps one day these bits and pieces of different things will build up into something more concrete and meaningful.

Of course, I don't want to have to sit and wait for this moment. I need to take initiative as well. But it's quite difficult, seeing that I don't know what to build up to, exactly.

So until then, I think i'll continue with this randomness that I've been experiencing the past few months. Here, there, just building on things, treading randomly. Maybe even in circles. I won't know, unless I ever end up where I started. 

1 comment:

Abishek said...

A good skill to invest in learning is observing your progress from an external point of reference :)