I think religion is a sensitive topic. To be honest, I'm not particularly religious. I love and respect my culture, but I don't cling on to it, nor does it solely define me. The reason is mainly because I believe that every religion has it's good and bad. I refuse to completely believe in everything that one religion stands for. You could say that I'm a bit undefined in this aspect.
Agreed, this may not be the best approach. After all, religion is important as it links us to our roots. But doesn't it make so much more sense to just take the good of all religions, or rather, the parts that appeal to you and make the most sense to you, and then incorporate these things into your life? It seems so much more well thought out, and so much less blind. It's like, you're actually giving every thought, every idea, every practice and every belief a chance to be a part of your life. You're not blindly rejecting something that you could believe in on the sole basis that it isn't under the scope of the religion that you were born into.
I genuinely feel that cultures will have true progress when they are able to see this, and to accept every religion for what it is, and to understand that their own religion isn't the be all and end all. It's all about acceptance, openness and the basic understanding that there's so much that you don't know about, so much that you could be wrong about.
Agreed, this may not be the best approach. After all, religion is important as it links us to our roots. But doesn't it make so much more sense to just take the good of all religions, or rather, the parts that appeal to you and make the most sense to you, and then incorporate these things into your life? It seems so much more well thought out, and so much less blind. It's like, you're actually giving every thought, every idea, every practice and every belief a chance to be a part of your life. You're not blindly rejecting something that you could believe in on the sole basis that it isn't under the scope of the religion that you were born into.
I genuinely feel that cultures will have true progress when they are able to see this, and to accept every religion for what it is, and to understand that their own religion isn't the be all and end all. It's all about acceptance, openness and the basic understanding that there's so much that you don't know about, so much that you could be wrong about.